
Sorry if this tutorial is not complete in writing, because I only use a little time every day to make this tutorial ... But, the authors make this tutorial is updated each week ...

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009

"Tutorial Create a Website For Beginner"

This tutorial will invite you become a Web Developer with "Coder" way...Coder more often playing with keyboard than mouse, that mean more often using script programming than design layout...Why not use an available tool on website maker program??? Isn't use a tool more easier and fast??? That's right, use a tool more easier and fast, but if you aren't know every bit how syntax-syntax HTML do in make a Table or Form-That thing will make you difficult for understanding website programming language, which is certainly more difficult than syntax-syntax HTML...

Well, do you understand HTML yet??? If not yet, better you study syntax-syntax HTML first before study web programming language...In conclusion, understanding HTML is basic before become a Programmer or Web Programming...Isn't very difficult??? Right, very difficult may be but not impossible for learing because according to research the people who have IQ above 100 can be a Doctor, whereas student have average IQ above 100 for sure...Which only need is try diligently and stable...You no need to be rushed on studying, because that only will make you dizzy, frustrating, and despondent >_<...Except you are a genius ^_^...Good Study method is deepen one thing ripely and afterwards stepping to furthermore...For the end of introduction, writer noticing..."Stydying Relaxively" ^_^...

Stage 1: Become a "Web Designer"

"Steps To Be a Web Designer With HTML"

Before create a website, there is some matter require to do and think so that a website become elegant in arrangement text and image so it looked "Proportional"...That things which is need to do will writer tell in ascending from which is must to do first to last...

To Be Continue...

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